Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Topkamp i Vejen

35-19; 18-17; 17-22; 30-11

#4 Larsen M. 6
#5 Hejlskov M. 8
#6 Christensen L. 15
#9 Oberuč J. 4
#10 Serritzlew K. 31
#11 Al Baali D. 12
#12 Sill II S. 20
#13 Ljaljevic J. 2
#15 Christensen C. 2

Big win at home for Vejen after the tough overtime loss in Odense last week.

The guys were hungry and ready to fight for the first position in the Div. 3 Vest Pulje 2.

Coming up next game on the road against DSIO on Tuesday.

Dagens kampsponsor var i dag Bedste10.dk og Tuxerretroclothing