Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Næste kamp

Div1 Søn 07-Apr

| 15:30


Bjerringbro 1

Vejen Basketball Klub 74-61 AGF

Larsen 7, Hejlskov, Candeo 3, Lennert, Christensen L. 6, Oberuč 4, Serritzlew 26, Christensen C., Sill II 22, Albaali 6, Thorogood, Liljensøe.
Coach Narciso

The Final Game 3 in Vejen Idrætscenter counts more than 200 spectators, a record for this year.
Despite of the bad start with a little break for AGF, after the end of first quarter Vejen team take an early lead that will not change during the game. Coach Narciso’s team played a good defense, denying the options of opponents’ best players meanwhile on the offense captain Serritzlew finished the game with 8/10 on the 3 point shot.
Everyone contributed to the win, focusing their attention on tactics and giving their best on every possession.

The final result says 74-61 and Vejen Basketball Klub win the 3rd Division championship, moving up to 2nd Division.

Thanks to all the people who supported our players that deserved this victory on the court.